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How often do I take the cleanse?Every 3-4 months; 3-4 times yearly
How many times do I use the detox body wrap?As often as needed.
If I have diabetes, should I take the cleanse?"Yes.
Does the green tea make you poop?No.
How often do you drink the green tea?As often as you like.
How often do you do the herbal fat burner?As often as you like
What does the black soap do?It fades skin discolarations and dark spots. Helps people especially with dry skin.
Can small children take the liver cleanse?It is recommended for adults 18+ only.
Do I drink the whole liver cleanse jar in one sitting?Yes. In order to get the intended effect, it is recommended to drink the entire jar in one sitting.
Do I need to stay at home to take the cleanse?Because of the effects, you should take the cleanse when you are at the convenience of your restroom.
What is the difference between a liver cleanse and a colon cleanse?A liver cleanse is a detox that assists the body's natural detoxification. A liver detox cleans the WHOLE body. A colon cleanse is a detox specifically for the colon. The cleanse removes parasites and bacteria from the colon area.
Do you go to the bathroom as much with the colon cleanse?No.
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